Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!!!

Oh It has been a morning.. before daylight my 6 year old was tapping me on the shoulder... "Can we please start Easter?" ... Me..Looking at the darkness coming in my bedroom window.. "Heck No, go back to bed its not even daylight!" forward 30 minutes..."MOM can we please have Easter now?" With a crack of my eyelid, I look up..."Wake up your brother please." In walks my 19 year old in my room all groggy and stumbling staring at me with hate ... LOL .. Me.."Tell the kids to go......." Interrupts the 19 year old...."You want ME to be the Easter Bunny.. YOU SUCK LOL" Now before anyone says anything we cannot hide eggs at night, The great dane gets hard boiled eggs as treats, so he would have had his own easter egg hunt while we were sleeping.  Who ever came up with hiding food that needs to be refrigerated and candy baskets first thing in the morning.. Seriously? I now have 5 kids who are on a sugar high, a 19 year old that went back to bed..and my 22 year old (who is autistic) pacing the house.. in search of what I dont know yet. The best comment of the morning.. "Let's do Fun Dip Shots!" That is where I had to intervene, "Baskets up until after dinner!" out cam the "AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW" in unison.. but I won.. so yay me!

On Another Note.. The dogs.. was so not as bad as I thought! my sons dog is a very sweet loving girl and I am very glad she adopted my son. We have a little friction with them but, she can care less that there is other dogs in the house and did not come in as a threat to them so its ok.. No fights just a little growling and barking. Totally handleable! (i dont even know if thats a word, but its a word in my vocabulary so .. yeah!)  What I am going to say about this dog though, My son rescued her..she was on craigslist. he went to a home who claimed to be a rescue, had tons of dogs in there and this one stood out to him, was jumping all over him and so that is why he picked her. I have raised Rottweilers, been around breeding and so forth A LOT. This poor dog.. has been bred to death, and she is young, Her nipples look like someone put a sucking machine on them... and her vagina area is just over stretched. Looks like she was in a puppy mill. And her behavior, she pays no attention to other dogs, and love love loves humans. It seriously breaks my heart. I hate people sometimes.. there is no reason this dog should have gone through this. But on the bright side she now owns my son, and she totally owns him too. She follows him everywhere, even the bathroom, she sleeps upside down on his lap.. she is an awesome dog, and I am very glad she adopted my son! Perfect match and she will at least live the rest of her life as a happy dog,no more puppies for her, just lots of spoiling, and loving.

Easter is usually my first BBQ of the year, SO we are having Ribs today that we marinated over night, Potato Salad, Macaroni Salad and corn on the cob.  We are having easter bbq lunch because I have to work this afternoon. Thats all good, My hubby can deal with the sugar highs! Muahahahaha!

Peace Out, and Happy Easter!

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