Friday, March 29, 2013

Good Friday

  Is it? The kids have been home all week. Enough said. I worked 2 hours this morning for some extra cash. I work full time from home, so when I work, I am held captive in my room. I came out in the living room to some serious destruction! Newspapers all over the place. ( Yes I coupon! I always have newspapers!) So I was like that's it! Time to clean... XBOX OFF! (I secretly love saying that!) I tell you, I think I would have have rather stuck needles in my eyes, then dictate how to clean, but none the less the cleaning is half ass done. The most time cleaning was the xbox shelf. every game and controller was dusted to perfection... WHATEVER I hate the xbox lol!

I also went to the store with My 11 year old daughter and 22 year old son. The 22 year old has autism, not the kind where he cant speak, but the 11 year old is more responsible. I also took the 2 year old great dane. If the Dane does not get out either for a walk or a car ride daily, he can be a serious jerk! LOL and a 150 pound jerk that is of the 4 legged kind is not what you want in your house, so this was his outing. I have to stay with him in the car because he has severe separation anxiety (he's a rescue), however.. I must have been out of my mind to send the 2 kids in to the store. The small list I gave them came out wrong, but again whatever... It's good friday right?

My 19 year old son is coming to visit for easter tonight. This is great, He lives with his GF about an hour away so I love when he comes to stay...But today is going to be interesting. Not only has he decided he was responsible enough to live on his own... (which he is) ....He now has his own dog. He also has a cat, that was one of the kittens my old cat had, but that cat is self sufficient and will be fine for 3 days.  BUT! he is bringing said dog with him. Now if you read my other saw I have 4 dogs already. Yes, I am a sucker...None the less I have 4. We rescued The Great Dane last June, on fathers day as a matter of fact. We brought him into this house and for like a month it  was a total territorial night mare! Now they all get along, the pecking order has been established.. we have an alpha and the minions.. bringing in a new dog is going to mess this all up! But how can I tell my kid he cant bring his dog? And furthermore If he doesn't bring his dog he wont come home for easter and he will be alone. I cant have that. This has to work...however, this ought to be interesting lol!

All right.. Peace out.. I KNOW there will be more to this story tomorrow!

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